In the Synaxarion we read this note identifying the meaning of this Sunday’s Divine Liturgy:

Today, the Sunday before the Birth of Christ, as our holy and God-bearing Fathers have directed, we commemorate all those who were acceptable to God throughout the ages, from Adam to Joseph, the spouse of the most holy Theotokos.

With the Church we pray:

Through faith, You have justified Your Ancestors, O Christ our God, and through them You have espoused in advance the Church set apart from the Gentiles.  The saints rejoice in glory because, from the seed of these Ancestors, has come forth the glorious fruit, who gave You birth without seed.  Through their intercession, O Christ God, save our souls! (The Troparion of the Holy Ancestors of Christ)

Prepare for Sunday Worship

The liturgical resources for the Holy Ancestors of Christ can be found here:

The gospel reflection video on St Matthew’s gospel is particularly important for preparing for Sunday worship. While many dislike this part of the Matthew’s gospel because of all the names of Jesus’ ancestors, it is very much a rich pericope by which we see the finger of God working in the many generations leading to the birth of Jesus. The narrative of salvation history is given to us in this gospel. The names given are, as some will note, bridges one-to-another forming links to Jesus Christ as our Savior.