St. Catherine of Alexandria suffered tortures before being martyred in the 4th century. A learned scholar and effective evangelist, Catherine converted many souls to Jesus Christ. Finally put on trial, her wisdom and fortitude could not be overcome by argument or threat and led to many more conversions before she was finally beheaded. She is a patroness of philosophers.

Troparion for St Catherine:

By your virtues as by rays of the sun
you enlightened the unbelieving philosophers,
and like the most bright moon you drove away
the darkness of disbelief from those walking in the night;
you convinced the queen, and also chastised the tyrant,
God-summoned bride, blessed Catherine.

You hastened with desire to the heavenly bridal chamber
of the fairest Bride-groom Christ,
and you were crowned by Him with a royal crown;
standing before Him with the angels,
pray for us who keep your most sacred memory.