In the Divine Liturgy for the Second Sunday of Lent we hear the proclamation of Mark’s Gospel of the Healing of the Paralytic Man. Today, the Lord’s Day, it is helpful to recall that we need to lay aside our problems and distractions for a moment so as to focus on the person of Jesus Christ. It is He who heals our infirmities; it is He who binds our wounds and works as the Physician who gives Life.

On this Second Sunday of Lent we commemorate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas (1296-1359).

Sr. Vassa offers us a brief introduction into this pivotal saint of the Church. Watch her video here.

The Troparion for his feast day tells us why he’s important to us during Lent:

“O Gregory the Wonderworker, light of Orthodoxy, support and teacher of the Church, glory of monks and invincible protector of theologians, pride of Thessaloniki and preacher of grace; pray without ceasing for the salvation of us all.”

Palamas was reminded his hearers that we Christians have an unique way of understanding the human person. Namely, we have a Biblical vision of the human person which teaches that we are a united whole, body and soul. Among his other teachings was that of contemplative prayer, known as hesychastic prayer, that is to move beyond one’s physical senses and pray from the heart. He was known to promote the Jesus Prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.