Monday, April 3, Bridegroom Service at 5:30 pm
Tuesday, April 4, Anointing Service at 5:30 pm
Wednesday, April 5, Last Supper Service at 5:30 pm

Thursday, April 6, Passion Gospels at 5:30 pm
Friday, April 7, Descent from the Cross at 12 noon
Friday, April 7, Funeral Service of Christ (Epitaphios Service) at 6:00 pm (change in time)

Saturday, April 8, Hajmet, Orthros of the Resurrection, at 7:00 pm (change in time)
Sunday, April 9, Holy Pascha Divine Liturgy at 10 am

Why did He come, and why did the world come? You have to believe, my friend, that I … have a certain importance. You have to believe that the arrangement of time, and in time, had a certain importance. You have to believe that man the creation of man and the destination of man and the vocation of man and the sin of man and the freedom of man and the salvation of man—all the mystery, all the mysteries of man —had a certain importance…a God, my friend, God sacrificed Himself for me. That’s Christianity.

Charles Péguy, Veronique