Latest news from St. Ann Melkite Church
- Adam’s Exile from ParadiseEXILE (Sunday of Adam’s Exile from Paradise) This Sunday immediately preceding the beginning of Lent recalls the Exile from Paradise, inviting us to embrace “Adam’s Lament” over a Paradise Lost. How and why should we relate to the whole topic of *Exile*, which is a leitmotif of Great Lent? Note that it’s also the main… Read more: Adam’s Exile from Paradise
- Cheesefare SundayToday, Cheesefare Sunday also known as Forgiveness Sunday – March 2nd. For those who observe the full fasting disciplines, today we say farewell to dairy products until Pascha. The Church, in her wisdom, gives us good advice: fast as you are able. But do something. Listen closely when you next pray the Our Father. Blessed… Read more: Cheesefare Sunday
- All Ascetical Fathers and Mothers
- Forgiveness Vespers Sunday, March 2The parish will begin its Lenten journey with serving Forgiveness Vespers, Sunday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m. Forgiveness Vespers is the first Lenten service asking God and others for gift of forgiveness. The point is to learn to eliminate from your body and soul anything that plagues it. Here we take our hatred, pride, gluttony,… Read more: Forgiveness Vespers Sunday, March 2
- The scope of faith as we approach Lent“Do you wish to honor the body of Christ? Do not ignore him when he is naked. Do not pay him homage in the temple clad in silk, only then to neglect him outside where he is cold and ill-clad. He who said: ‘This is my body’ is the same who said: ‘You saw me… Read more: The scope of faith as we approach Lent
- Fasting GuideClick on the Fasting Guide image. As Father Dennis said at the Divine Liturgy, we fast according to what we are able. Some can follow the Lenten guide well, others due to age or health may not be able to follow the guide –do the best you can do. All can do something. An important… Read more: Fasting Guide
- Sunday of the Last JudgementThe sign that Great Lent is fast approaching is the proclamation of the Gospel pericope of the Last Judgement found in Matthew 25. Today is known as the Sunday of the Last Judgement or Meat-fare Sunday. The latter name is taken from St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians where we hear that the eating of… Read more: Sunday of the Last Judgement
- Meat-Fare SundayThis weekend is meat-fare Sunday, one of our preparation for the season of Lent. Fr James Graham, writes: n today’s reading from his first letter to the Christian community in Corinth, St Paul talks about fasting and freedom. But he doesn’t focus on what we should fast from or on when we should fast. Instead,… Read more: Meat-Fare Sunday
- Lisa Brown’s funeral liturgyEarlier today we as a parish and eparchial family prayed the funeral liturgy for Lisa Brown, the beloved wife of Father Dennis, and our dear friend. Bishop François presided at the liturgy. May Lisa’s memory be eternal
- Funeral for Lisa Brown McCarthyThe funeral for our beloved Lisa Marie Brown McCarthy will be Wednesday, February 5 at church. 10-11 a.m. Visiting hour 11: a.m. The Melkite funeral service Lisa Brown’s obituary may be read here. Please continue to pray for Lisa and for Father Dennis and the rest of the family.