Melkite Seminarians

Support our Seminarians During the Great Fast, consider daily prayer and financial support for our seminarians, the Readers Riley, Christopher, and Mikhael. Please give generously to the men who are studying to be…

Addressing the coronavirus

Guidance from Bishop Nicholas on the coronavirus situation. Reverend and dear Hierarchs, Fathers, and Deacons, His Grace, Bishop NICHOLAS, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, issues the following guidance:…

Prayers for Evelyn Moreno

His Excellency, Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM (Eparchy of Stamford, Ukrainian) writes to ask for prayers for Evelyn Moreno Please be informed that as a result of a very unfortunate accident…

Religious Ed

Religious education is scheduled for March 21, April 4 & 18 and May 12 --3:30 to 5:00 pm. Arabic class is 30 minutes prior to religious ed on the dates…